Monday, September 6, 2010

Wisdom Teeth Extraction and Pregnancy

Most doctors do not advise having dental extractions during pregnancy because of the procedure itself and mainly the medications after that.The first trimester is when there is disagreement. The baby is forming during the first three months of life.During the second trimester, baby is just growing so there's very little to be disturbed. The last trimester is a problem for the mom, not the kid. Sitting in a dental chair for a hour or two in the same position can cause a mom's legs to go out. In case of emergency the 2nd trimester is the preferred time to have it done.But it is safe to avoid any procedures and medicines during pregnancy especially if you have issues with miscarriages.But if your ob thinks its okay, then just try not to stress as much as you can.It depends on how impacted your teeth are and how much they are bothering you.

Wisdom teeth extraction and menstrual cycle

It is recommended to schedule your wisdom teeth extraction in the end of your menstrual cycle (unless you are ttc) because the hormones that time can help in quicker recovery.

For reasons not properly known wisdom teeth removal seems to effect menstrual cycle in some women.The menstrual cycle can be notoriously prone to external factors such as stress,illness,medication,antibiotic,diet,trauma,infection,etc and these may be a possible reason.

You can also view this link

Changes in the Menstrual Cycle Relative to Antibiotics

In a 1947 medical study, conducted by British medical officers A. McLachlan and Donald D. Brown, tests were conducted on female subjects to discern the effects that penicillin might have on sexual cycles, including menstruation. In their findings, a pure grade Oxford penicillin was found to have certain effects including heavier bleeding, alterations in levels of menstrual pain and changes in the start of the menstrual cycle itself. While the authors felt that their findings demonstrated a provable connection between the use of penicillin and the menstrual cycle, they were unable to find any correlative research to back up their conclusions.

Also see my post :Antibiotics and Vitamin K

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Wisdom teeth Extraction

My Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Every month I used to get some pain in my wisdom tooth area. The pain used to last two to three days.Dentists advice was removal of the tooth since it is impacted. It was not in alignment.So I decided to go for it.Thought,let the pain end once and for all!

Day before extraction-

I had been reading a lot about wisdom teeth extraction online. It was recommended to stock up soft foods for yourself as the first few days you won't be able to eat something properly. So I went shopping and brought yogurt,fruit juices,and yes ice cream! They say the only benefit of wisdom teeth extraction is that you can eat lot of ice cream without guilt! I was also reading about other peoples experience with wisdom teeth extraction and convinced myself that it was no big deal!

Day of extraction

It was scheduled in the afternoon. Had my breakfast and got ready. Reached there on time and the surgeon started the wisdom teeth extraction procedure. He explained to me that it would take about 20 minutes and that I wont feel any pain or anything as the anesthesia would be numbing that area and the after wisdom teeth extraction pain would be taken care of by the medicines.


He gave two anesthesia injections near the tooth and waited for the numbness to occur fully. The injection was just a pricking sensation and no pain. But I felt a bitter taste in my mouth and that was yuck. Once I lost all my sensation in that area he started the procedure. I closed my eyes and waited for the 20 minutes to end soon. I tried to sleep it off as this way I won't feel anything. Things were going fine for few minutes until he started the actual extraction! There was tugging and pushing and grinding. It was impossible not to unnotice what was going on. My face was getting pushed here and there. No wonder it is called a traumatic procedure. The surgeon was trying hard with all his strength to unroot my tooth. He tried pulling and pushing two three times and succeeded the fourth time. Alas!
Then the next thing he was cleaning all the blood out with cotton gauze and he stitched up the area. Then he placed a thick cotton gauze on the area and asked me to bite on it. By this time my cheeks were swelled up and I had a pukish sensation. The cotton had to be kept there for 1 hour.Keeping a thick cotton gauze at the back of the teeth near my throat was making the vomiting sensation worse. I was given the medicine prescription and sent home with few advice-

Eat soft and cold foods for next few days.
Eat liquid food for lunch.
Do not spit today.
Press the gauze firmly for 1 hour.

After reaching home,I was starting to get mild pain. For an hour I was not able to talk or laugh normally as the anesthesia had numbed one side of my lip and I had no control on the lip movement. After an hour I removed the cotton,had some juice and took the medicine. Tried to sleep,but still had some pain but was bearable. Problem came at dinner time. I hadn't eaten anything since 8 hours. Was hungry,dizzy,pukish. Tried to eat soft curd rice,but I just couldn't! Nothing was there which I could eat. I just could not open my mouth. Could only drink water and juice. Had some ice cream and vomited. Somehow took the medicines and slept.

Day 2

Almost same as day 1. Pain in opening mouth. Could not eat anything. They say if you are on antibiotics you should eat well. But this sounds paradoxical here. How can u possibly eat anything when your mouth pains on opening and chewing!! As a result,I had lot of side effects..nausea,dizziness, name a few. I realized how important role teeth plays in our lives.

Day 3

Little better. Could eat mashed foods. Pain going down. But had to stuff my food into the mouth with a spoon as jaw movement was painful.Swelling increased.


Again soft foods like mashed potatoes,mashed rice.Swelling reducing. Felt better.

Day 5

Was able to open mouth little better. Felt better.

Proper jaw movement came back only after 2 weeks. And from this time was able to eat all kinds of food.


Everyones experience is different. In my case I had lots of swelling. The first 2 days were miserable. Had side effects of antibiotics. The worst thing was it messed up my menstrual cycle for 2 cycles.
The good news is that I no more have that recurring tooth pain.

My suggestion:

-Bring someone along with you.

-Ask for all the advice from your dentist beforehand as after the procedure your wont be comfortable talking.

-Its better to buy the painkillers and antibiotics beforehand ( coz it wont be a pleasure waiting in the pharmacy with a gauze in your mouth and a swollen face,and what if there is no stock!!!!)

-Stock up juices and soft foods

Whether to go for wisdom teeth extraction or not-

The best answer I saw in a yahoo forum- "The advantage to having them removed is to rid yourself of the discomfort and for some, the pain that comes with having them. A disadvantage of the actual surgery is the recovery. It can be painful and uncomfortable for a while, but as long as you have someone to help you out, and a few days to rest (I gave myself 5) you should be fine.
Comparing myself to family and friends who have had it done, I had more pain, but the main complaint I heard was the soft gets annoying!
If you're having pain or discomfort now, I say go for it! If not, perhaps you can wait a while. That's something to discuss with your doctor."

Funny Fact

It is said that you must go to a male dentist for teeth extractions as they have more muscle power to unroot the tooth. Female dentist are not able to do it in one go and often extract tooth in pieces! Teeth are really strong dude!

Light Jokes

Judge (in dentist chair) - "Do you swear that you will pull the tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth?"

Victim - "Hey, that wasn't the tooth I wanted pulled." Dentist - "Calm yourself, I'm coming to it."

Dentist - " Once the wisdom teeth are out would you like to remove the stupid teeth as well?"