Monday, September 6, 2010

Wisdom Teeth Extraction and Pregnancy

Most doctors do not advise having dental extractions during pregnancy because of the procedure itself and mainly the medications after that.The first trimester is when there is disagreement. The baby is forming during the first three months of life.During the second trimester, baby is just growing so there's very little to be disturbed. The last trimester is a problem for the mom, not the kid. Sitting in a dental chair for a hour or two in the same position can cause a mom's legs to go out. In case of emergency the 2nd trimester is the preferred time to have it done.But it is safe to avoid any procedures and medicines during pregnancy especially if you have issues with miscarriages.But if your ob thinks its okay, then just try not to stress as much as you can.It depends on how impacted your teeth are and how much they are bothering you.

Wisdom teeth extraction and menstrual cycle

It is recommended to schedule your wisdom teeth extraction in the end of your menstrual cycle (unless you are ttc) because the hormones that time can help in quicker recovery.

For reasons not properly known wisdom teeth removal seems to effect menstrual cycle in some women.The menstrual cycle can be notoriously prone to external factors such as stress,illness,medication,antibiotic,diet,trauma,infection,etc and these may be a possible reason.

You can also view this link

Changes in the Menstrual Cycle Relative to Antibiotics

In a 1947 medical study, conducted by British medical officers A. McLachlan and Donald D. Brown, tests were conducted on female subjects to discern the effects that penicillin might have on sexual cycles, including menstruation. In their findings, a pure grade Oxford penicillin was found to have certain effects including heavier bleeding, alterations in levels of menstrual pain and changes in the start of the menstrual cycle itself. While the authors felt that their findings demonstrated a provable connection between the use of penicillin and the menstrual cycle, they were unable to find any correlative research to back up their conclusions.

Also see my post :Antibiotics and Vitamin K

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