Sunday, November 14, 2010



I first tried kokum sherbet when I visited Goa. They sell kokum cordial (kokum syrups) in bottles. All you need to do is take some syrup, add water and enjoy the red sherbet. It indeed was such a tasty drink that I wanted to know more about it. Found ou the following:

Kokum is a fruit of the Mangosteen family which has culinary, pharmaceutical, and industrial uses. It is widely available in the kokan regions. Its fresh fruit is eaten as it is during the season and the dried fruit is used for cooking. It is used in place of tamarind to give a sour tang to curries. Kokum cordial/syrup/juice/sherbet is available all year around.
Kokum is a refreshing and cooling drink for summers. Its medicinal value includes-

-has rich amounts of anti-oxidants
-has a cooling effect on the body and shields the body against dehydration and sunstroke.
-used to relieve acidity and indigestion.
-Ayurvedic medicine also uses Kokum infusions to treat piles, dysentery and infections.
-strengthen the cardio-vascular system
-stabilize liver function
-appetite stimulant
-helps in suppressing the skin related ailments
-brings down the fever
-reduces burning sensation

If you want to know more about kokum and see the pictures have a look at:

Here Shilpa has explained about the kokum fruit very nicely with many beautiful pictures. Really lovely...

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